The Harps that Once... Summerian Poetry in Translation [sumerská poezie; poesie; Sumer; literatura; Mezopotámie]
CN: A47308
Autor: Jacobsen, Thorkild
Stav: Použitá
ISBN-13: 9780300072785
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Výbor ze sumerské poezie v anglickém překladu předního odborníka Thorkilda Jacobsena (1904-1993). Viz naskenovaný obsah.
"Sumerian, the oldest language known, is represented by hundreds of thousands of clay tablets inscribed in the cuneiform writing system. Most of the tablets are devoted to mundane matters - ration lists, annual accounts, deeds, contracts - but a substantial number contain examples of perhaps the earliest poetry extant. In this volume, the eminent Assyriologist Thorkild Jacobsen presents translations of some of these ancient poems, including a number of compositions that have never before been published in translation."
Vydání: New Haven - London: Yale University Press 1987, brož., XV+498 s., 8° (15,5 x 23 cm)
Stav knihy: Vynikající stav; obálka jen nepatrně opotřebovaná.