Socialist Opposition in Eastern Europe [socialismus; disent; disidenti; normalizace; Pražské jaro; Československo; 1968]
CN: A47332
Autor: Pelikán, Jiří
Stav: Použitá
ISBN-13: 9780850311822
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Celý titul a podtitul: "Socialist Opposition in Eastern Europe: The Czechoslovak Example".
Kniha Jiřího Pelikána o Pražském jaru socialistickém disentu v Československu na počátku normalizace. Viz naskenované shrnutí a obsah.
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Celoplátěná pevná vazba s přebalem.
"Do the current régimes in Eastern Europe have a monopoly of wisdom about what socialism is and how it is to be constructed? This book examines the effects of detente, the meaning of national independence for socialist states, the role of political pluralism, democracy and workers' councils all in the light of what has happened in Czechoslovakia since 1968 and the repercussions of this elsewhere in the Eastern bloc.
Jiri Pelikan describes what the Czechoslovak leadership calls 'normalisation': the reimposition of Moscow-dictated policies, the reduction of the communist party from a mass-based organisation to a cipher, the death of socialist democracy and self-management, and the continuing imprisonment and harrassment of thousands of socialist and communist militants.
The large documentary appendix (containing among other items the 'Short Action Programme' probably the most advanced and instructive strategic programme to emerge anywhere in the East) demonstrates that there exists not merely a new model of socialism human, pluralist, self-managed in these countries, but also a concrete strategy for its achievement. Jiri Pelikan is able to prove that the Czechoslovak régime has won 'normalisation' at perhaps a fatal cost for the East European régimes as a whole: namely, the transformation of the ideas of the Prague Spring into a multiform but coherent permanent socialist opposition which continues to spread and intensify beneath the ice-cap of bureaucratic rule."
Vydání: London: Allison & Busby 1976, váz., 222 s., 8° (14,5 x 22 cm)
Stav knihy: Dobrý stav; přebal opotřebovaný, na hřbetu vybledlý, ořízka se skvrnami od vody (stránky v pořádku), horní ořízka trochu zažloutlá a zaprášená.