A Selection of Twelve Miniatures from the Da Costa Hours [kniha hodinek; hodinky; iluminace; umění; Simon Bening]

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: A47221
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 250Kč

Podtitul: "Pierpont Morgan Library Manuscript 399."

Původní složka obsahuje jeden list s úvodním textem a popisky a 12 nesvázaných tabulí s barevnými reprodukcemi iluminací z "Da Costovy knihy hodinek"; vybrané iluminace zobrazují typické práce a činnosti jednotlivých měsíců roku; podle všeho je vytvořil kolem roku 1520 vlámský miniaturista Simon Bening.

Text anglicky.

"The regal manuscript from which these miniatures have been reproduced was originally made in Bruges about 1520 for a king or prince of Portugal [...]. Within a few years it was given by the king, according to tradition, to his royal chamberlain and armorer, Don Alvaro da Costa, in whose family the book remained until the end of the nineteenth century. It is commonly called the Da Costa Hours, for its text is a Book of Hours, that is, a compilation of quasi-liturgical prayers intended for the private devotions of the laity. The manuscript is a masterpiece of the famous Simon Bening of Bruges, in the opinion of most scholars. Among its ninety-four miniatures are scenes of country life and seasonal occupations that illustrate the twelve months of the book's liturgical calendar. The months and their characteristic activities are listed overleaf."

Vydání: New York: Pierpont Morgan Library 1972, neváz., [2] s., 12 tabulí, 8° (16,5 x 19,5 cm)

Stav knihy: Velmi dobrý stav; složka mírně opotřebovaná a pomačkaná.

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