Algorithmic Geometry [algoritmy; programování; geometrie]

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: A42462
Autor: Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel - Yvinec, Mariette
Stav: Použitá
ISBN-13: 9780521565295
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 1 250Kč

Text anglicky.

"In all areas of computing the optimal design of algorithms is essential for the efficient running of programs. The design and analysis of geometric algorithms has, in particular, seen remarkable growth in recent years, due to their application in, for example, computer vision, graphics, medical imaging and CAD. The subject itself is built on three pillars: geometric data structures, algorithmic techniques and results from combinatorial geometry.
The goal of this book is twofold: first to provide a coherent and systematic treatment of the foundations; second to present algorithmic solutions that are amenable to rigorous analysis and are efficient in practical situations. As far as possible, the algorithms are presented in their most general d-dimensional setting. Specific developments are given for the 2- or 3-dimensional cases when this results in significant improvements. The presentation is confined to Euclidean affine geometry, though the authors indicate whenever the treatment can be extended to curves and surfaces. The prerequisites for using the book are few which make it ideal for teaching advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate courses in computational geometry."

Vydání: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998, brož., XX+519 s., 8° (17,5 x 24,5 cm)

Stav knihy: Velmi dobrý stav; obálka mírně opotřebovaná, s cenovkou a nepatrným natržením, na patitulu je slepotiskové razítko.

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