Girlfriend in a Coma

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/68980
Autor: D.Coupland
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 95Kč

On a snowy Friday night in 1979, just hours after making love for the first time, Richard's girlfriend, high school senior Karen Ann McNeil, falls into a coma. Nine months later she gives birth to their daughter, Megan. As Karen sleeps through the next seventeen years, Richard and their circle of friends reside in an emotional purgatory, passing through a variety of careers—modeling, film special effects, medicine, demolition—before finally reuniting on a conspiracy-driven super-natural television series. But real life grows as surreal as their TV show as Richard and his friends await Karen's reawakening . . . and the subsequent apocalypse.

Brožovaná vazba, 8°,  280 stran.  Anglicky.

Vydání: Flamingo, 1998.

Stav knihy: Stav velmi dobrý.

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