An Audience of Chairs

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/68907
Autor: Joan Clark
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 80Kč

Joan Clark’s An Audience of Chairs opens with Moranna MacKenzie living alone in her ancestral Cape Breton farmhouse, waging a war with the symptoms of bipolar disorder and grieving the loss of her two daughters, taken from her over thirty years previously. There are few people remaining in her life, as Moranna cannot help but tax the patience of nearly everyone she encounters. Her long-suffering brother Murdoch has her best interests at heart, though he is fatigued by her enormous needs and pressured by his ambitious wife to invest less time in her...

Pevná vazba s přebalem, 8°, 353 stran. Anglicky.

Vydání: Alfred a. Knopf Canada, 2005.

Stav knihy: Velmi dobrý stav.

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