Wild Animus

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: B/23183
Autor: R.Shapero
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 150Kč

After graduating from college, Sam Altman finds himself subject to an urge he doesn't understand, an urge drawing him away from civilization. Altman's unleashed - and increasingly unhinged - imagination takes him first to Seattle and then farther north, to the remote Alaskan wilderness. Sam has fallen deeply in love with the mysterious and powerful Lindy, a young woman who will do anything to help him realize his quest, no matter how dangerous. Alone with a driving need to uncover his innermost self, Sam gradually transforms himself into a ram - prey to a pack of strangely familiar wolves.

 V angličtině.  Brož, 315 stran, 17x24 cm. 

Vydání: Too Far, California, 2004.

Stav knihy: Stav dobrý.

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