Observations: Selected Speeches and Essays, 1982-1984 [Spojené státy; USA; zahraniční politika; NATO; Čína]
CN: A47336
Autor: Kissinger, Henry
Stav: Použitá
ISBN-13: 9780718125356
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Články a projevy amerického politika, diplomata a politologa. Viz naskenovaný obsah.
Text anglicky.
Celoplátěná pevná vazba s přebalem.
"A dominant theme of the stimulating and often controversial articles and speeches Dr Kissinger has selected for inclusion in this volume is the challenge the industrial democracies will face in the 1980s, with the need to revitalise NATO, resume arms control talks, improve East/West relations, and stimulate world trade and the world economy. This important book also contains Dr Kissinger's observations on the Middle East and China, as well as the text of his report as Chairman of the Bipartisan Commission on Central America."
Vydání: London: Michael Joseph - Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1985, váz., X+246 s., 8° (16 x 24 cm)
Stav knihy: Velmi dobrý stav; vzadu přebal trochu odřený, jeden list má ohnutý roh.