Economics of Racism U.S.A.: Roots of Black Inequality [rasismus; USA; černoši; Afroameričané]

Druh zboží: kniha
CN: A47362
Autor: Perlo, Victor
Stav: Použitá
ISBN-13: 9780717804191
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 250Kč

Studie o protičernošském rasismu v USA z hlediska politické ekonomie. Viz naskenovaný obsah. Druhé vydání.

Text anglicky.

"A penetrating Marxist study of racism in the realm of economics which deals with problems that are central to our country's development in this period of deep economic and political crisis. Using the rich data of the Bureau of Census, the author develops powerful polemics against the perpetrators and the defenders of this pernicious evil in U.S. life. He also presents a people's program to eleminate racism and to advance the true interests of Black and white working men and women throughout our land."

Vydání: New York: International Publishers 1976, brož., XIII+280 s., 8° (13,5 x 20 cm)

Stav knihy: Dobrý stav; obálka vybledlá a trochu opotřebovaná.

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