Interiors for Under 5s
Druh zboží: kniha
CN: O/3849
Autor: Jones, Melissa
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
CN: O/3849
Autor: Jones, Melissa
Stav: Použitá
Dostupnost: SKLADEM MIMO PRODEJNU (info)
Cena: 600Kč
Papírová nakl. vazba; ISBN: 0470093323, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, 2005, 216 S., malé Fol. s bohatou fotografickou přílohou. Zcela nová kniha; anglicky. Childhood is undergoing a revolution. The philosophy of bringing up children as separate from adults is a thing of the past. In pre-schools, more and more attention is being paid to designing spaces that accommodate the very young and meet their needs in a way that fosters dialogue and communication. When it comes to home life, busy parents want to spend free time with their children that they will both enjoy. Children are no longer just tagging along and fitting in, they are being provided for with spaces that are stimulating, fun, imaginative, peaceful, or just plain practical. Children are no longer adults in waiting - they have their own culture, and contemporary children's interiors are very much about defining the way childhood is being designed in the twenty-first century. This book showcases a wide variety of interiors designed for the very young from around the world. These range from creches, nurseries and preschools, to museums, restaurants, bedrooms, playspaces, shops and hotels. Each architect or designer has given considerable thought to making their space - whether public or private - workable and beautiful, and their approaches are inspirational. * V roce 2008 jsme zakoupili veškerou produkci společnosti Fraktály Publishers,s. r. o. V naší nabídce jsou tedy knihy z oborů: Architektura, design (Ladislav Sutnar atd.) a jejich produkce.
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